Saturday, December 6, 2008

So, its been awhile...

alright, I haven't written in a while. Things have just been crazy! let's see...So, the 14th of November we got the keys to our house and the work began. We painted our kitchen - one wall red, our bedroom - one wall blue, the living room is now green and our bathroom is a tanish color! That took a good week and a half with work and all the other craziness of life. So we finally moved in the day before Thanksgiving... Mom came over and cooked for us and her boyfriend on Thanksgiving while I worked on the many boxes! I wish I would have gotten pictures of that first night! Our living room was absolutely stuffed full of boxes and furniture! I am loving the house and it is slowly getting put together. I have made numerous trips to Ikea trying to find the right curtains! I think I finally got them! Ha Ha! The last room to finish, well besides the guest bath that we don't pay much attention to is our room and bath! ha ha! We bought a new washer and dryer and they are coming on MONDAY! I am so excited! I need to do laundry! Other than that, we are just settling in, got some christmas lights up! and working like crazy! Shane's army christmas lunch-in is tomorrow and that should be fun! along, with my work party/ babyshower for Jamie. I truely know the meaning of the crazy holiday season! hope all is well!

Our house with lights!! So exciting!

1 comment:

Colt and Candice said...

Oh your house looks beautiful! I can't wait to see it!