Friday, February 13, 2009

It has been way too long!

Boy, oh boy. where do I even start? It has been way too long since I have posted anything and things are changing daily. I started school at the beginning of January and have been so busy since then, there is no time for anything else. One of my projects for a class, is this "sacred space" I choose this walkway that Gayle, my good friend, took me to walk the dogs. It is, now, me and Me'sha's favorite place to go! Its a place to just walk and not stress about anything, so the pictures below are from our outings!

Then it snowed and I got some really cool pictures!

My Me'sha Girl!

So, I threw Shane a huge party for his 21st Birthday at our house! Here are some pics! it was too fun, but I think we drank too much! eek!
Me and my brother!
Sam and Scott
Anna and Rebekah
My mom!
Shane needed a tattoo!
He ended up sleeping on Me'sha's bed!

So, a couple other things we have been up to...Shane was laid off about two weeks ago and has been job hunting/doing odds and ends for my dad and a couple family friends. He has been waiting on orders from the military as it is almost CERTAIN that he will be shipping to Iraq in April. (well he will be in Georgia until July, then to Iraq) life has taken its turn and we are taking one day at a time...that's all we can do!